Friday 16 July 2010

The OK Corral

China that is exactly my cup of tea, from new online vintage shop The OK Corral.


  1. it looks so delicate and pretty!

    just stumbled upon your blog and i have to say i LOVE it. please drop by mine too when you have some time. maybe we can follow each other. =)


  2. Dearest Hannah,
    I just love this blog. It never fails to lift my spirits if I am low (and inspire a round of blissful thrifting).
    Thank you so much.
    Today I am on a wild goose chase. I am the assistant at our town library here in New Hampshire, and a patron has asked about a book, and I know I saw it on a blog somewhere. Was it here? A Nature Diary (or similar)edited by your father and linked to Lark Rise to Candleford. My google searches lead me to the TV series...can you help?
    Thanks again for this lovely oasis.
    kind regards,
    Annie Vennerbeck
    Deerfield, NH
    PS. I also love that your name is the same backwards and forwards.

  3. Hello Annie, thank you for your really sweet comments. It's extraordinary to think of my blog being read all those many miles away! Here is the link to my post about the book: Sadly it's out of print now, though.
